Sunday, September 6, 2009

2 Magazines

Well, I have to say I was disappointed in the Sept. issue of Playboy. They had hyped the Heidi Montag pictorial, and it was not very good. And the interview with her, by her husband was so narcissistic that it made me ill. Now I don't really know who the hell this stupid girl is, but her husband is even stupider, and a damn ass too. This made me want to not renew this magazine...that is how bad it was.

The Sept, issue of Nat Geo was good---not one of the top ones--but still excellent. Really liked the article on Somalia...that poor devastated country. The orchid photo story was also amazing. And the article about the emerging solar industry gave me hope for the future. If the government would give them even half the incentives they give big oil, we would not need fossil fuels ever again. Keep pushing for solar energy!

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