Sunday, September 13, 2009


This movie was an uncomfortable watching experience. While it is billed as a coming -of- age story for a Arab-American teenager, Towelhead (2007) is mostly about her burgeoning sexuality, and the selfish, crappy people in her life.

Can there really be that many adults so crapped up in one person's life? It looks like they are all normal people, but they are so self-centered and so un-adult, I found it hard to believe.

The uncomfortable part is her sexuality. This is supposed to be a 13-year-old girl. But the way adults treat her is like an of-age adult. They treat her like a sexual object. The trouble with this is that it is not played like mis-treatment, it is played, at times, seductively. It makes you a voyeur of sexual molestation without taking a hard "that is wrong" stand. Even as the adults become culpable for their behavior, it does not feel like it is enough, and even then, stills plays it as somewhat erotic.

While there are some good things about this movie, it still left me feeling bad for watching it. Not quite what I expected it to be.

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