Saturday, September 26, 2009

TV Season- Series Premier- Eastwick

There have been some critics who did not like Eastwick very much, but I thought it was decent. Based on John Updike's novel, and the movie, Witches of Eastwick, the premise is the same. Three women from the small New England town of Eastwick are witches...they just don't know it yet. But they start finding out as a dark, mysterious man comes to town...could it be the prince of darkness, the lord of lies, the crown prince of hell...hmmmm, perhaps...SATAN!

OK, that was my church lady gag. My one and only.

The stars of the show of all nice to look at and easy to like. Roxie, the earthy, artsy chick played by Rebecca Romijn; Joanna the uptight reporter played by Lindsay Price and; Kat the mom, played by Jaime Ray Newman. All three have a different power that is just waiting to be unleashed by the devil.

While I am not saying the show is great, it was fun to watch. I can see why some may not like it, but to me, it was lighthearted enough to be fun, and yet has some intrigue and darkness behind it too. My big concern is that the series may have a hard time sustaining itself, it does not seem like a premise that lends itself well to sustainability.

But as of now, I enjoyed the premier and will be back to watch more.

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