Friday, September 25, 2009

TV Season- Season Premier

Heroes debuted Monday night. This once hugely popular show, that went badly off-track, keeps promising to restore the confidence of the viewers. I am not convinced of that. And the series premier, while it held some promise, also had to keep the story from last year's terrible season finale.

The premise that Sylar was turned into the dead Nathan via Matt Parkman was not inventive, was not surprising, did not make for good drama, and will lead the series into another mess. And they are holding onto it. And to keep Hiro blinking through time(didn't they get the message when fans started abandoning them in season 2 as Hiro was in feudal Japan) away from everyone else is dumb. Hiro is a character that should be with the other heroes, not flinging solo through time.

I did like the Claire story line, and the Noah/Nicki (or whoever the hell she is now) story was good too. And the circus is intriguing...but you can sense that it could badly awry.

I keep giving Heroes a chance, as do others. But unless it really comes through, this will be the last season I think.

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