Sunday, September 20, 2009

TV- Series Premier-Community

Many times sitcoms leave me very disappointed. With boring premises, and unlaughable lines, many recent sitcoms have sounded what some have called the death of sitcoms.

Now that is an exaggeration, surely (and don't call me Shirley), we just seem to have lost the creativeness of comedies to other genres. But this season there are several that look promising. And the first one to appear is Community.

And I laughed! I know, amazing isn't it? Community is about a snarky lawyer (The Soups Joel McHale), who faked his credentials and was caught by the bar association. Now he has to go back to a community college and earn his academic credits. A good line from the show is about this. A former client (and now big wig in the community college) says, "I thought you got your degree from Columbia?" The answer, "Yeah, well, now I have to get it from the United States."

At the school, he tries to hit on a hottie by forming a Spanish study group, fully intending it to be just him and her. But all sorts of other characters join, and we have great scenes in the library as this new group interacts.

McHale is great as is the rest of the cast, including Chevy Chase who is not quite into the PC posture of today. He asks, "How can I be sexually harassing you if you turn me on so much." No one does deadpan like Chevy.

This show is very open-ended, it can build so many ways, and touch on so many things that I think its potential for comedic situations is vast. Sure, there are things that can go wrong, especially with such a large cast. But the premier was very funny, even with having to introduce us to the concept and to the cast. It held together really well.

I hope it continues in that strong vein. I could use more laughter on TV.

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