Thursday, September 10, 2009

Movie- War of the Worlds

I was not expecting much from War of the Worlds (2005). Though it was billed as a blockbuster from Steven Spielberg, it was mostly panned in reviews. Add to that I don't like Tom Cruise all that much, and I was even wondering why I still had it in my queue.

I think the low expectations helped, because it was not terrible. There was some almost decent stuff in the movie. Cruise was horribly miscast though, as a ne'er-do-well father. But the special effect were pretty good, and Dakota Fanning did a nice job as the perpetually terrified kid.

Don't get me isn't Blade Runner! The way the story was presented was weak, especially the resolution. But, if I can watch this movie and be mildly entertained, well, I call that a plus.

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