Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movie-Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) is a high intensity Korean flick, that starts out with nice promise, but devolves quickly into mere bloodshed and gore, not even stylishly done.

A deaf mute young man sells his kidney on the black market to get enough money to pay for his sister's kidney transplant (he is of the wrong blood type to give her his directly). When he is betrayed by the black marketeers (duh) he and his terrorist girlfriend decide to kidnap a rich man's daughter and make the money that way (the rich man fired him from a job).

The daughter dies accidentally and then the gore begins. The rich man wants vengeance on the deaf mute guy, the deaf mute guy wants vengeance on the black market people and there is just lots of blood and some electrocution.

Really could have been done much better. Very disappointing.

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