Saturday, April 19, 2008

Best Picture-Andrew Awards

As I am getting through all the Oscar nominated films I will post my awards here.

I have now seen all the films nominated for Best Film. They are Atonement, Juno, Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood. The Academy picked No Country For Old Men.

The annual Andrew Award goes to...(a little imaginary drum role here please!) Juno!

(And Sharlynn agrees too)

I actually liked this movie. It had great performances, great underlying themes, and was all round a fine piece of movie making. I also do not have the prejudice the Academy does against first time nominees. And I liked that the film was not screechingly long like a lot of the other films. So what that is was contemporary and hip. So what that the lead was a teenager.

Both No Country and Blood were also pretty boring at times. Juno was not. It was better edited and scripted. If not as "deep" as the others, it was also not as dark, and these days, I could go for some light.

Who else has seen all five movies and which would you pick for best picture?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just saw juno myself, liked it much