Sunday, August 31, 2008

3 Magazines

The August issue of ZooNooz was very so-so...nothing to exciting. There will be a re-launch soon of the magazine that may make it more interesting on a regular basis.

September Playboy was good, but not great. I always hate the college football and basketball preview issues, as I am not not either sport on the college level. This was the football issue. The interview was with the founder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (yawn) and there was a excerpt of a book about how Guns N' Roses started (double yawn). However, the third part of the four part "Nobody Move" noir novel. It is a really good piece by Denis Johnson.

On the other hand, September National Geographic was again excellent. The past two issues were so good. This one again is why I subscribe. The story about soil sounds dull, but is interesting as hell, especially in the parts where we see soil being restored, many times through ancient ways. The elephant story was superb. The images amazing! And the sailfish images were amazing as well, in the story on how sailfish hunt. And the two other stories were top notch too. Such an amazing publication. I look forward to it every month.

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