Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Experiment Gone Bad

I am a little behind in my posts, and I hope to catch up tomorrow. Our computer has been...problematic lately, and I will tell you why.

We had hoped to save a few bucks each month, so decided to go with a company that looks a lot like "IT&T." Y'see, IT&T was offering internet and TV for quite a bit less then what we had with Time Warner Cable. So, we finally went for it. We asked IT&T if all the local stations were on their Dish, and they said "Oh Yeah." We asked specifically if they carry local Padres games. I mean, I LOVE baseball. IT&T said , "Oh Yeah!" They even have it recorded that they said "Oh Yeah."

You know what...they don't! Nope. No siree bob. Looking for the Padres. Nada. Zip. Nil.

We you carry the Padres? Yeah, "we should" they say. "Oh, well, hmmm, perhaps not...hmmm, we SHOULD have it." "But you frickin' don't!"

OK, either they do not know their own product, or they lied to us. Either is a terrible alternative. So back we went to Time Warner. I gotta have my baseball.

But the internet service still is good right? Well, I knew DSL would be a bit slower than cable, but that was okay. I do not do that much important stuff online anyway. I mean unless you call porn important (can I get an A-men brothers).

Well, we kept losing our connection. We called, and sure enough, there was something wrong with our line. But they would come out and fix it...between 1 and 4 on Thursday. Well 4 comes around and no one. So we call. "Oh yeah," they say, "We will have someone out there soon." No one showed up. NO ONE SHOWED UP! NO ONE FRICKIN' SHOWED UP!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry, but pick up that new invention called a telephone, and give us a call to tell us you are not coming out.

We have complained, and supervisors were going to call us back. Never called. We called so many times. One time Sharlynn was put on hold for 20 minutes, then got someone and complained, and was switched back to the start of the system.

Bye bye IT&T!!!!!!!!!! Lousy product, lousy service and lousy customer relations!
We will pay a little more for better on all three.

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