Saturday, August 16, 2008

Movie-Smart People

I did not really like Smart People very much. It has a nice cast, Dennis Quaid is dependable and I do like Sarah Jessica Parker a lot. With Thomas Hayden Church and Ellen Page added in, I hoped it would be a good film. And I can't say it wasn't, I just did not like it too much.

I think the surliness and the arrogance of many of the characters put me off some. The only one a liked at all was Sarah Jessica's ER doctor. The rest were just too dislikable for me to enjoy the movie.

Quaid plays a burnt out crusty literature professor, but plays him with so few redeeming qualities that I felt like I would hate the man myself if I knew him. His daughter, Ellen Page, has such an over inflated sense of how important and great she is that she is completely unlikeable too. Church has a some redeeming characteristics in his character as the "adopted" brother of Quaid, but the character seems to be a plot device to move the other characters around.

Smart People tries to be too smart, and becomes irritating, boring and ultimately frustrating.

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