Saturday, August 16, 2008

Movie- Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanomo Bay

I love the first Harold and Kumar movie. It was incredibly funny and unexpected. So I was a little concerned about the sequel, especially considering that it was taking the social satire route to the social/political level.

Well, I was wrong to be concerned. This movie surprises as it confronts bigotry in all its forms, and gives so many laughs on its strange a glorious road trip, that I am still thinking about many of the scenes days later.

Harold and Kumar make some bad choices, but then becomes victims of racial prejudice and are sent to Guantanamo Bay. But this just provides the starting point, as they quickly escape from the prison and try to seek out an old friend who may be able to help them.

The cast of characters they meet on the way makes for funny situations, and the man chasing them from the Dept of Homeland Security, Rob Corddry, is absurd in his quest to catch terrorists. But the funniest scenes take place near the end as the two characters meets George W. on the ranch, and have a little toke session with him.

While sometimes gross with scatological humor, it is the political and social satire that really makes this soar. Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris reprising his role as "himself." Oh, he can play this role for years!

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