Sunday, August 24, 2008


OK, I will use my blog as a bully pulpit right now.

Tall Ships came to San Diego this past weekend. And I thought it would be fun to go and see them. Just see them...not climb on board all of them...just walk along the sidewalk, not even down the docks, and see these beautiful ships-15 of them!

So my wife and I drove down to the dock. We walked and were able to get on the Coast Guard ship for free. Pretty neat. And then we thought we would enjoy the great San Diego Weather and walk along the sidewalk and see from a distance all the other ships line up on the docks. WRONG!

Y'see, I knew there was a charge for going along the docks, and climbing on these ships. What I didn't know was that they would charge for walking along the sidewalk! Yes. I could not walk past the Star of India. Not on the sidewalks that my tax dollars have built and maintained! NOOOOOOO! I would have to fork over 20 bucks each for us to walk along MY GODDAM sidewalks! And when I say mine, I mean that my money has paid for these things.

Ya see, they closed the sidewalks, and if you didn't pony up the cash, you could not even walk past the ships. You had to walk in a carnival booth area, with funnel cakes and assorted crap for sale. And once in awhile you would get to peek at a ship between booths. What utter CRAP!

To say I am outraged is accurate. I am so sick and tired of the streets and facilities I have paid for through my taxes, being off limits to me. It is just not right! Look. I am reasonable. If I could not walk down the docks...well, I could accept that. But to not ba able to walk down PUBLIC FREAKIN' sidewalks unless I paid $20 is out-Fuc*ing-ragous.

I think the Maritime Museum is great. But to hold me hostage in my own not allow me to see boats on docks I have helped build...I have to say...what the hell?

How shameful for San Diego.

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