Sunday, August 10, 2008

Movie-The Counterfeiters

The Counterfeiters is the first of the best foreign film nominees from last year's Oscars to come out on DVD. IN fact, it was the winner of the best foreign film award. And while I have not seen all the other movies, I can say that this is an excellent movie.

A true story, the Counterfeiters is mainly based in an Nazi concentration camp, amid a group of Jews that work together. But his group is well-fed, actually treated fairly well, given little presents, like a ping-pong table, to give them incentive to work well. This group does not labor in the fields, but were part of a program to create counterfeit British and American money, but the boat loads, so to hurt the economy of both nations, with the hope of swaying the war.

Chief among this group is Salomon Sorowitsch, who was a criminal counterfeiter before ending up in camp. And the group has to make unholy help the Nazi war effort and save their lives, or die and sabotage the counterfeiting scheme.

The movie shows how harrowing this choice was, how each coped with it, and how Sorowitsch, a criminal, kept this group alive, and still able to slow down the Nazi efforts until the was ended.

The acting was superb, the story and writing excellent, the sets and costuming all perfect. This is an excellent film from Austria. And reminds us once again about the hell that people went through in those camps, and the miserable existence of the Nazi regime.

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