Saturday, August 2, 2008

Movie-This Girl's Life

OK---I will admit, This Girl's Life does not have a premise that seems anything more than a soft porn film masquerading as a movie.

The main character is a porn star, with a bunch of girlfriend's in and out of the business, and she enjoys her work. See what I does not seem like a "real" movie. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I have enjoyed more than a few of those kinds of movies. But this one is surprising. Sure, there are some fairly graphic sexual scenes, but there is also a lot of thought, the creator of the film calling it a feminist manifesto on porn.

Now I think that may be pushing it, but it does ask questions about the industry, and if it is harmful. And there are some really nice performances. One standout is James Woods as the main character's father who suffers from cerebral palsy. He does a really nice job.

Rosario Dawson has a small but meaningful role too. And Juliette Marquis plays the lead, named Moon, with a growing awareness of who she is and what she does may not be as harmless as she first thought.

Not a bad film at all.


TP said...

Thanks for your thoughts on this film, I will likely check it out.


Anonymous said...

Rosario Dawson has a small

yours might be. I have a BIG 12 ROOT and VINE by Gods grace. Jesus Christ IS Almighty God manifest in the flesh, and He saves by His grace. Jesus Christ is my goodness all the way, by His grace. But Jesus Christ IS the One who is Good. Jesus Christ IS Almighty God manifest in the flesh, and He saves by His grace.