Saturday, October 11, 2008

TV-TV 2008 Season Premiers- Life On Mars

Life on Mars is the second of the new shows I am trying this season. A cop drama with a twist. Starring Jason O'Mara (who Sharlynn says is pretty easy on the eyes) as a cop named Sam Tyler, the series throws this twist in. While searching for a serial killer Sam gets walloped by a speeding vehicle. he wakes up to find himself in 1973...still a cop, but with no idea what the hell is going on.

Sam makes his way to the precinct were his ID says he works and is surrounded but a great 1970's set. And the cast with him at this time is very good too. Michael Imperioli, Harvey Keitel and Gretchen Mol all a fine actors.

So the show has great sets, great actors a pretty good premise (and a fantastic
70's soundtrack)---why did I not think it is great?

First of all, there was some poor writing in the scenes set in 2008. The cops haul in this serial killer suspect and the guys lawyer tosses them a DVD from a casino showing the suspect gambling at the time of one of the murders. And the cops just accept it, a judge just accepts it and lets him go free? C'mon---like they would not take days investigating this coming from a defense lawyer. Turns out, it is not the suspect, but his twin brother, and the cops are surprised. Really? They have been investigating this guys for awhile, and they don't know he has a twin? Not at all plausible.

It got better as they went back in time, but while I am intrigued a bit (and will watch 3 episodes before I decide) it is not quite doing it for me. It seems over done, the cops in 1973 almost a vigilantes---like there were not Miranda rights back then.

And for me, I remember 1973. And while the sets were great, the immersion is overdone. Where ever Sam walks in the streets there are flower children crowding the sidewalks and hippies all over. Again, really? You couldn't swing a cat and not run into a 70's stereotype on those streets.

I will update after three episodes, but based on #1, I am not sure I will continue on this trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I was going to say the same thing.