Monday, March 2, 2009

Cooking with Andy

I haven't done a entry under this category in awhile. Not because I am not no...I am cooking away, but simply I forget.

I enjoy cooking for the most part. Not only is a necessity, but it is a hobby. I like to make flavors come together, and change tastes through the week with different ingredients and different ethnicity's of cooking.

This weekend I did a couple of nice dinners--Penne with Spinach, Shrimp, Tomatoes and Basil, a nice pasta dish loaded with fresh veggies and herbs. And I made Mahi Mahi with Fresh Cilantro Chutney...very easy dish, especially with Costco frozen Mahi fillets.

For a work lunch I made another pasta dish--Mixed Herb Pasta with Red Peppers and Feta. Again, lots of fresh herbs and red peppers, and mixed with the is good!

I made a very easy Stir Fry Cabbage, with the lovely taste of Asian sesame oil. And made fresh Apple Walnut Muffins...these have wheat germ and I omitted the butter, so they are pretty healthy, even using whole wheat flour in the mix.

OK- I splurged and made my Banana Cream Pie in an Almond Crust. I gotta say, these pie rocks!! I make the egg cream myself, and the crust is the best pie crust I have ever had. Yes, I am sharing with my parents so we don't eat the whole thing...dammit.

To counteract the pie, I need to take in some fruit...its healthy, right? One of the best ways is a Mango-Banana Daiquiri. You get banana, mango, lime juice...I mean, so what if some rum gets in there too? Your eating (OK drinking) fruit. How bad can that be?

And that...was my weekend!

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