Monday, March 9, 2009

Restaurant- Casa de Pico

I have not eaten at Casa de Pico for many years, since the state decided, ill-advisedly, to get rid of Bazaar del Mundo.

So, we went out to La Mesa at Grossmont Center, to eat in the "new" location.

As always, Casa de Pico served up a very good meal. I had the carnitas, big pieces of pork, perfectly seasoned. With fresh flour tortillas, and guacamole, salsa, cilantro and other things to wrap with the pork, this was a very good, and very filling meal. The beautiful woman with me had the grilled fish tacos, and she really enjoyed them. Light and nicely seasoned, they went down well with a beer.

Casa de Pico is very worth going to, even if you have to take a trip up the 8. Good food, reasonable prices and a nice atmosphere. If you haven't visited since Bazaar del Mundo, it is worth a visit to get reacquainted.

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