Saturday, March 21, 2009

Movie-The Band's Visit

This is a movie of gentle humor, and melancholy, of loneliness and the accidents of life that can isolate one, and then reconnect one to others. The Band's Visit (2008)is quiet and sad, but sweet.

The plot has the Alexandria Policeman's Band, a small and close to being defunct ceremonial band from Egypt, arriving in Israel, with no one to greet them, and little savvy on how to get around in this foreign country. Finally finding a bus, they go to a town that should not be their destination...the difference of a single syllable.

They are lost, and when they ask a woman who runs a small restaurant, where the Arab Cultural Center is, she looks a them like they are from Mars. "There is no Arab culture here...there is no Israeli culture here...there is no culture at all here."
Such is the place they have found themselves.

Forced to spend the night, the woman finds the band members, clad in their sky blue uniforms, places to hotel in this town either. And this is when the movie gets really good. Because we see subtle acting, as the band members facades crack open just a bit, interacting with their hosts. And we see connections made, shyly and awkwardly, as the hosts too, show cracks into their imperfect lives.

Ronit Elkabetz plays the restaurant owner, with sexiness and verve, and yet with a isolation that is not entirely of her own making. Sasson Gabai is also amazing as the long-time band leader, who has made the band his life with iron discipline...discipline of the band and of his feelings. When the two of them are together on the screen, it is magic.

This movie is not exciting, but it is wise and and endearing. The Band's Visit takes place in the space of a day, but that day is worth watching.

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