Friday, March 27, 2009

Movie-Monsoon Wedding

Ok, yes, two wedding movies in a row...just happened, no sub-conscious pattern going on or anything.

Monsoon Wedding (2001) was a movie we had seen before. But as we started watching we didn't remember too much about it, and so were carried away with it...and it is a movie to carry you away. It is about an Indian family preparing for a arranged marriage, between two quite attractive young people. But with any family gathering, there comes some conflict. I remember quite a few weddings that I have been to that featured a fair amount of family angst. And in Monsoon Wedding there are family secrets that will be revealed, and secrets that the bride and groom will reveal to each other.

This is really a good movie. The colors burst and you can almost smell the spiciness and feel the humidity. The actors are wonderful, playing fully realized characters, the costumes beautiful, and the various story lines all played out perfectly. It was a movie that was really worth watching a second time, not something I often say.

If you haven't seen it, I really recommend Monsoon Wedding.

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