Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wandering the Gaslamp

We decided to got down to the Gaslamp district and walk around this past Saturday. Sure, we drive through there, or park and go right to our destination, but we hadn't wandered in some time, looking through shops, looking at restaurant menus...just enjoying the day.

And we spent several hours, and did not hit nearly all the streets and side streets. One of the places that really impressed us was The Wine Bank Inc. at 363 Fifth Ave.
Wow, this shop was loaded with wines from all over the world. Upstairs is booze, and as you go downstairs you are surrounded by tequilas. And then the mother lode! Hundreds of wines, of every variety and price. It was fun just browsing around.

After a couple of hours, we started looking for a place to eat. It was not that many years ago that the only choices in the Gaslamp were pretty much Italian bistro and seafood. But there are many different cuisines now, and we were looking for something not too pricey, and that had a bar.

That is when we stumbled across Nicky Rottens Bar and Burger Joint. It seemed like a good place for a bite and some libations, and we were not disappointed. My margaritas were pretty good, and much better with my extra shot of tequila in it. And my dining companion enjoyed her wine, a house Merlot, that was decent.

I ate a burger... but they called it the breakfast burger, with a fried egg, a potato cake, and applewood smoke bacon. And was it ever good! Best burger I have had in a long time. Of course, on Monday I went to the hospital and had my arteries cleared out, but besides that....LOL!

The nachos came for my wife, and wow, were they piled high with LOTS of toppings, including guacamole and sour cream. Again, not exactly health food, but they were very good too (though my burger was better.

Nicky Rottens seems like a place you could just go an hang out for awhile watching the world pass by.

We did not get to see all the Gaslamp, so are saving another trip for a nice weekend day. But it was nice seeing the city close up. Fun to poke around in shops and find a good burger joint. All in all, a good day.

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