Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Movie-Get Smart

I am really wary of over-hyped comedies, especially those that are remakes of old TV shows. So I was really glad that I laughed so much watching Get Smart (2008).

I thought it was very funny, and did a nice job of re-inventing the Maxwell Smart of the TV show, but not losing what essentially made him a great character. It kept his bumbling, but also provided him with very endearing characteristics that a movie watcher needs to maintain interest.

Steve Carell takes Maxwell Smart (originally played by the under-appreciated Don Adams) and makes him a nice guy, not just a silly, somewhat bumbling secret agent. He also makes him actually really good at some aspects of the spy game. I mean, how many times did we think in the old series..."Why does he still have a job?" We don't think that in this movie. Carell does a perfect job balancing all of Max's idiosyncrasies.

Get Smart is funny, smart and nicely paced. It has an excellent supporting cast, with Alan Arkin, Dwayne Johnson and the terrific Anne Hathaway as Agent 99. It also pays homage to the old show, keeping lines like, "Missed it by that much," the cone of silence and other touchstones of the old series. It updates the show, but does not corrupt it. Really nice job...I wish other movies could do as well remaking old TV shows.

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