Wednesday, March 11, 2009

TV On Netflix- Weeds Season 2

Poor Nancy. Like many suburban moms, she has problems. Problems with her small business expansion...she is trying to turn dealing into growing with the help of suspisious and nervous Conrad, her partner. She has trouble with competing busineses, namely the Armenians who have serveral growhouses in the gated community she has set her own up in. Nevermind her new boyfriend who she did not know was a DEA agent. Hmmmm...did I mention Nancy deals weed in the suburban city Agrestic.

Now add to that her own personal issues...the aforementioned DEA agent boyfriend, two boys, one on the cusp of becoming a man, the other on the cusp of adolescence. A brother-in-law who just is a total mooch, and a maid who has become a bit too big for her britches.

Nancy Botwin, played by Mary-Louise Parker, is such a great character in Weeds. She is the antithesis of the suburban ideal. But that is what this show is about, the disenchantment of the suburban ideal. Weeds (2006) is subversive and funny as hell, and it hits its mark every time in season 2.

The theme song even hits the mark--"Little houses on the hillside, little house made of ticky tack, little houses on the hillside and they all look just the same." This season, each episode is sung by a different singer and in a different style, so with this show, I even watch the opening credits!

Poor Nancy...just a suburban widow's dilemma. To deal or not to deal, that is the question.

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