Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bocce Ball has Been Very Very Good To Me

Yesterday we had our first bocce ball outing at De Anza Cove on Mission Bay.

Like many summer weekends, a lot of the invitees already had plans, but it was nice group that showed up, so we had 8 people total. Paul and Wendy came down from Hunnington Beach with the unofficial bocce ball mascot, Beans. And Janine made it, as did Angela (looking cute as ever) and her boyfriend Gerrardo (did I get the spelling right?) and their friend Dan. so 4 guys and 4 good looking girls. Sounds like good teams.

The first match was just that, guys vs girls. I was about to suggest the girls be skins and the guys be shirts, but kept that to myself...barely! And the guys KICKED girl booty...winning the match 13-3. A can of whoop ass I would say.

The next match we picked teams like in school. Two captains, Sharlynn and Paul. It is funny, neither picked their significant other first, which led to a FEW glares. The teams were Sharlynn, Janine, Dan and Angela vs Paul, me, Wendy and Gerrardo. OK, we got whipped this time, 13-4. Janine and Dan really played well, Janine pushing our balls out of the way more than once to gain extra points for her team, and Dan landing his very close to the pallino--which we called the pannini, the polenta and the placenta as our memories are not great.

The bummer is that we could not have some beer. This new law just sucks. We are all mature (OK, not me really, but you get the point) and responsible. How come we can't have a couple of drinks? Yet over at OTL, they can drink away because they pay the city mega bucks for special permits. It is such a scam and just wrong. I am not saying OTL should not get to drink, I am saying that we all should be able to have a nice cold beverage of our choosing on a Saturday afternoon at the park, playing bocce ball with some friends.

After we all went to Offshore to have a drink and a bite. Next match we set up we may bring some contraband on the downlow, to wet our whistles. At least if Gerrardo is there and we get arrested we can find some fast representation! LOL LOL!

All in all, a good time. Nice to get outside and plays some not too strenuous lawn games. Hmmmm...maybe I should get croquet or horseshoes?

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