Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Movie-PS, I Love You

I have made no bones that I like Hilary Swank a lot. So I was looking forward to this movie. I liked the rest of the cast too-Kathy Bates, Lisa Kudrow, Gina Gershon. A nice little heart-felt love story. Nothing wrong with that.

But, PS-I Love You did not deliver very well. With a stilted script, generally not very likable characters and a pretty wooden performance by Swank (with a few exceptions) I felt like this movie was just undone in every aspect. I kept wanting to like it, kept wanting to like the characters, kept wanting to be touched by it. And it just did not happen, and I am having trouble with exactly why.

Everyone seemed to be trying to hard...maybe that is it. Trying to be somewhat unsentimental and "real." The actors trying to hard to sound like how "people would really talk" instead of actually talking like people would talk. It just seemed over analysed in every sense.

On the good side, Sharlynn has someone to add to her top 5 list, the lead actor Gerard Butler. She thinks he is quite nice.

And a last comment on Hilary Swank. Could someone stop all the actresses from becoming like twigs! Really, she is the latest I have noticed who have become just too damn skinny. I mean she was never a beast to begin with, and now who just has nothing on her. Really, eating disorders are NOT attractive people! End of rant.

PS-I Love You just misses the mark, but it just misses in many aspects. Very so so.

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