Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Movie-Seducing Doctor Lewis

I will describe this 2004 French-Canadian movie with words that are not often heard these days...charming and delightful. And Seducing Doctor Lewis was all that and a little more.

It is a story about a small (tiny actually) fishing village in Quebec, where fishing has gone by the wayside. Hoping to attract some kind of industry, the village leaders promise a factory almost anything they want, as long as they locate in the town, to bring employment and pride back to the place. There is one big hitch, the factory requires that there be a full time doctor residing in the village.

One finally comes, but only for a month, and the village sets out to persuade him that this is the best place to live in the world. Leading the charge is Germaine, a middle aged man, a bit past his prime, but not his pride. The schemes they come up with to lure the doctor to stay are funny and yet heart-breaking. The avid hockey fans will even forgo their ice sport to pretend they like cricket, which the doctor loves.

There is not a mean spot in this movie. It is poignant and funny and wonderfully acted, and silly and smart. And while it does not have "big" themes, it does address what happens to small communities all around the world as rural living seems inexorably eaten up by urban living.

A very good film, I highly recommend it.

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