Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Movie-Rush Hour 3

Well, I tried. I like Jackie Chan, and the first Rush Hour was so good, I had to watch this sequel. But both the series and Jackie Chan have seen better days.

Rush Hour 3 has a few laughs, but is mostly worn out. The stars, Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan both seem more worn out than anyone, not a good sign for a buddy movie. Tucker is pretty much unfunny, with a few good scenes...I think he thinks he is funnier than he actually is, and Chan...Jackie does not have the moves he once did, and it is obvious. Not that what he still can do isn't remarkable, don't get me wrong. But it is a far cry from his heyday, and when much of the movie is based on his moves, well, it shows even more.

The plot, most of the jokes, the acting, the fight scenes, all seem old hat, with nothing new or challenging. And some of the "funny scenes" were actually painful they were so unfunny.

Like I said, there were a few laughs. But I would advise re-renting the first one, even if you have seen it before, you will like it better than this version.

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