Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie-Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair, one of the best known English novels gets a bit of an update in this 2004 movie starring Reese Witherspoon. I did not know how Witherspoon would do acting as a 19th century English governess, but she did quite a good job, her accent pretty much spot on and very consistent.

She also did a great job of showing the spirit in this woman, Becky Sharp, trying to get ahead with nothing, no name, no money, and very few prospects.

The film is sumptuous with great sets and scenes, depicting a London that, for the poor was ugly and dirty and smelly.

I am reading a great English novel right now, The Forsyte Saga, and I could almost read the descriptions of what they left out of this movie, it was so familiar to me.

A very good supporting cast and high production values make what could have been a disaster into a pretty good movie. And again, Witherspoon does a really nice job here.

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