Thursday, July 17, 2008


OK ok ok. Yes, I put this in the Netflix queue. I liked it when I was 9 years old in 1973, and you know ain't half bad when I am 45.

Yes, it has some corny stuff in it, and the sound track becomes exceedingly annoying. But the dog is so damn cute, and while the people acting is not so great, the story line and dog acting is pretty damn good.

One thing I remember about Benji when I first saw it was my moms reaction. She liked it because the dog pretty much acted like a dog...a really smart dog, but still, he didn't think per se, did not talk...Benji was a dog. In other words, the movie did not over anthropomorphise. And I still like that aspect of it.

So, a rated G movie, heavy on nostalgia for me. And yes, I liked it. I would not want to make a steady diet of it, but there you go, I am a big old softy!

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