Sunday, July 6, 2008

Movie-The Bucket List

While The Bucket List is not a great movie by any means, there is a great deal of fun to be had watching two old pros like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman play off each other, and that is enough to sustain this movie.

The premise, of two older guys, one rich and one not so much, meeting in a hospital room, both with terminal cancer, is not really a fun premise. But it is just a reason to have a buddy movie, and better yet, a road trip buddy movie, as the two set out to see sights and experience a few things before they kick the bucket. These things they want to do, they list, hence the title.

The two play off each other well, Freeman with his voice that just rings with wisdom and insight, and Jack...well Jack is just filled with piss and vinegar, as is usual. The roles are not stretch for the two...both have been done by them before, and better.

But the two of them combine and make me think of duos before, Crosby and Hope in their road trip movies especially. Not with the pure comedic attitude of those two, but both with a good sense of timing, and good sense of who they are, and who the other is. And they play off each other as if they had been in many movies together.

Old fashioned in many ways, The Bucket List is good for a lighter and easy watch.

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