Saturday, July 5, 2008


Untraceable has one good thing going for it...Diane Lane, probably the ultimate MILF (getting into GILF-age actually). Other than that, this overwrought thriller was predictable, pretty stupid, and it REALLY pissed me off at one point.

Diane Lane stars as an FBI agent working the cyber-crimes beat. Works nights to get those predators, scam artists and perverts when they are most active. She is good at her job. Has a little girl and they live with her mom.

On a tip, she comes across a site that shows a kitten being killed. Gruesome enough. But she cannot shut it down...the person running the site has technology far beyond the scope of the FBI. He cannot be stopped! Yeah yeah yeah. That is the 1st stupid thing.

This maniac has his site set up so the more people that sign on to see, the faster the victim dies. And after the cat...he immediately starts killing people. No in-between know, a dog, monkey,, this guy is fine proving how tough and uncatchable he is by a kitten...he goes right to people. That was another stupid thing.

Well, he escalates and starts going for FBI agents next. Now this is what is really stupid. The US security agencies won't help with their computers (which apparently are WAY better than the FBIs-like the FBI is just a small-town police force!). Even as an FBI agent is killed live on-line, no one will really do anything. That is such a total piece of crap story, I can't believe it! If a federal agent were tortured and killed, live, on-line, the seams would be coming apart as every police agency in the country was knocking on hackers doors to find this guy.

Anyway, the thing that pissed me off. As Lane is talking to a police guy she is teamed up with on this case, she tells him that she can't really do anything about the first murder, because of net-neutrality...she says something about, "it means that content cannot be filtered, and that everything has free access." If that is not the MOST blatant propaganda by the entertainment industry (who largely oppose net neutrality) that I have ever seen! Net neutrality is about keeping corporations and big business from deciding what is on sites, not about governmental agencies. Somehow, the implication is, if you commit murder on-line, that it is free and clear---murder is still murder!--whether it is on-line or not. And net-neutrality does not stop the FBI from prosecuting a murderer! This just was so blatant and abusive that it ruined any enjoyment I might have gotten from the movie.

I can kinda picture the meeting where it was decided this would happen.
Studio exec: Yeah, we really like the movie and we are SO ready to back it. There is just one thing we need to ask you to do.

Creator: You are? Sure...sure...we will be glad to help it!

Studio exec: Well, ya see, since this is about the web, we want you to blame net-neutrality for the cops not being able to do anything about this creepo.

Creator: Uh...well...but that doesn't have anything to do with it...I'm not sure how it fits.

S.exec: Y'know, just a line in there...something about net neutrality letting people do what ever they want, illegal or not on-line. That would really please my bosses, and free up A LOT of money to promote your film. We can practically guarantee you winning the opening weekend box office. You can find a way, can't you?

Creator: Uh...yeah...we can make that work...

What crap!

Diane Lane deserves better material.

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