Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yes Splash! I have not seen this movie since it first came out in 1984. And watching it, I was reminded of the controversy surrounding the film.. Gasp! A Disney movie that showed nudity! (Daryl Hannah is a mermaid after all). That had sex mentioned! (John Candy was a lovable perv, so excited that his letter was printed in Penthouse Forum). That had people sleeping together without being married. (They were meant to be).

Tom Hanks---a VERY young Tom Hanks--- has the lead role in this movie, as a young successful man who just needs to find the right girl. You can see glimpses of the acting greatness that will come, but it is not fully formed by any means. This was his first big movie role. His true love comes in the form of a mermaid played by Daryl Hannah--a very young Daryl Hannah---who looks so fresh and innocent it is appalling.

Both leads do justice to this romantic comedy. Both are witty, confused, in love, and just downright cute. While not really breaking any conventions, the script is nicely written, and we want these two to work...they are just so young and likable.

As I mentioned, John Candy does a nice job as the delinquent brother, and Eugene Levy plays the bad guy with a heart of gold perfectly.

While the movie is not GREAT, it is certainly likable and funny, and with a poignancy that tugs your heart a bit. But it is nice to see the actors in these early roles, getting a glimpse of who they will become. That is great fun 24 years later.

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