Monday, March 3, 2008

The Bachman Books-Novel 3

Finished the third novel in The Bachman Books collection, called Roadwork. And of the three so far, it was by far the worst. Like The Long Walk, it could have used some heavy editing, 70 pages out at least. It probably would have been better as a novella, or long short story, but even then, I can't see it being intriguing. In short, it concerns a man who had a child die a few years back. He is now pushed over the edge by a city using Eminent Domain laws to pave over his house and place of business.

But the start of the novel leaves no doubt as to the outcome, and the journey there is not interesting. The character is bland and boring, as are the supporting characters. Episodes are thrown in that do not advance the plot, and seem only to serve the purpose of...well, being thrown in.

Worst for me is that this story came in the part of a long book that always seems to tax the pace I want to read at. In a long book (800-1000+ pages) there generally seems to be a lull around pages 500-800. And it takes much concentration for me to get my 200 pages a week in. And the worst story so far in the collection came there.

This story had no moral ambiguities to examine, no futuristic dystopian society to ponder. In short, it was a long bore.

1 comment:

Alex Yates said...

"Long bore" ? That's why I don't read books but CAN tolerate bad movies, it's my equivalent. The sooner Sharon realizes that... lol