Thursday, March 13, 2008

Magazines 2 and 3

Finished both Zoonooz and Playboy. As I mentioned, I read Zoonooz more out of obligation. But there were two articles that held my interest. The first one on the new insect house. I think the bugs are pretty amazing, and totally freaky to look at. And the horticulture article (for once) was good, about how chocolate is grown and manufactured.

Playboy (Mar 08) was, as usual, filled with great content. The interview this month was especially good with Garry Kasaparov, the former world chess champion from Russia. But now, at great personal risk, he is a dissident against the current Russian government and Vladimir Putin. When he talks of our own GW and Condi, and hears them say, "Well, Russians are better off now than under Stalin," he rightfully is pissed. Is that how we are going to judge things? Better off than under Stalin? What about this Democracy the US is supposed to be standing up for, that will transform the world? Isn't that why we are in Iraq? Really thought provoking interview, and scary what Russia is becoming again. The fiction is really good this issue also, called "The Cook" by Tony D'Souza, it describes a trio of Peace Corps workers that go to India in the 70's and the cultural ambiguities that arise. Well written, sharp characters, and engaging.

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