Saturday, March 29, 2008

Movie-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

"The Chronicles of Narnia" was not my favorite series of children's books by a long shot. Even as I reread them as an adult, I never was into them like some were. Dr. Dolittle was my particular favorite, the whole series, and Narnia did not even come close.

So I never moved the first this movie adaptation of the first book of the series up in my queue, until now, 3 years after its release. And I gotta tell you, I liked the movie a hellofa lot more than the book.

Aside from the inevitable Christian metaphors that are expected of C.S. Lewis, this movie was a rousing adventure. The young actors who played the children who discover a different world accessed through a large wardrobe, were excellent. The story was well told cinematically, and the special effects were first rate, a must for this kind of fantasy movie.

It was long, but seemed to be right for the story that was told. The movie did not lag at all, and was fun to watch all around.

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