Friday, March 21, 2008

TV-Lipstick Jungle, Last Episode

It seems Lipstick Jungle just started, and yet this year in TV has been replete with shortened series runs, so it ends too quickly.

When it came on, I wasn't sure about it, but by the second and third episodes it got better and better, with cast and writers hitting their stride and getting t know the characters.

The final episode was really good...heart rending at times, and overall very satisfying. But only satisfying if it serves as a prelude to another season. This show deserves that. Brooke Shields and Kim Raver have proven to be secure anchors for this series, with Lindsey Price, who I originally did not like, getting better and better every show.

I know my wife (and another person who shall remain nameless...S.O.) will be disappointed if Kirby does not reappear (they would prefer with as few clothes as possible), but the conclusion felt right, and still left room for story line options.

The scene where Wendy comes to the hospital to see Nico....that was played perfectly. The emotional gravitas of two long time friends, working through problems, problems that come with every close relationship, was not overdone, but expressed the bond between these two spot on.

I hope to see this show come back, at least as a mid-season replacement again.

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