Sunday, March 16, 2008

TV-The Return of Jezebel James

A new comedy sereies premiered on Friday, called The Return of Jezebel James. I am giving it a try becasue I like both acctreeses playing the lead characters. Parker Posey has played in some interesting indy films, and I really loved Lauren Ambrose as Claire, in Six Feet Under.

They premiered two episodes back to back. And Sharlynn thought they were OK. I did not. The laugh track was amazingly annoying. Parker Posey overacts so much that she is shrill and as canned as the laugh track. I mean, she sounds like she is reading lines...badly written lines. The writing was marginal at best. And Lauren Ambrose's soulfulness that stood her so well in Six Feet Under does her no good here.

I will give my requisite three episode shot, but my choice would be to dump it. I will keep it if Sharlynn wants it in the rotation. My bet is the show will not last long. It is not very good, critical buzz has not been good, and it is on Friday night, where shows go that the networks want to bury.

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