Sunday, March 23, 2008

Poker Night

Because Sharon and Alex were in town for his brother's wedding, we had a rare Thursday night poker night, hosted by D'anne and Stephen at D'annes place. Poor Emily was the only one that had to work the next day, so she and Seth took off after one round. And we never got through a second round, with some of us passing out, and the rest drifting into random conversations, punctuated by singing at the top of our lungs to random '80's songs on the radio. All in all a very fun night! LOL!

D and Stephen were great hosts, and a shout out to D! None of us knew she was such a talented painter. Her work is really good! And we were pretty blown away by it.

D'anne also won Black Magic, our poker trophy, brought back from Chicago for the occasion. It was altered nicely by the Dewar-Yates using a glue gun and white glue streaming down the sides of the trophy. Very inventive!

We are the next hosts and we are planning for the trophy to return to its rightful place---HERE!

Some images will be posted soon.

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