Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cooking with Andy

Most of you know I really enjoy cooking. It is a creative process for me, and the mixing of ingredients together, all concocting something greater than just the sum of individual parts, is very satisfying to me.

I don't cook quite as much as I used to, and Sharlynn has been cooking more, but this weekend I got to put together some nice dishes. For my work lunches this week I prepared pasta and eggplant with a tomato and basil sauce. For me, a nice hearty pasta dish is comfort food, and this one is. Additionally, I love eggplant. Dom Deluise, in his cookbook says, "Eggplant to an Italian is like sex to a nymphomaniac."
Well, I would not go QUITE that far, but I really love eggplant. This dish is just comfort food all the way!

I also made sauteed scallops in a white wine sauce with sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Served over linguine. Again---YUM-MY!

I made buckwheat muffins for my work lunches too, and a vegetable dish called broccoli and red pepper pie, with some breadcrumbs acting as the "crust." With garbanzo beans and an egg/parmesan mixture it can be a meal unto itself.

So that was my cooking this weekend. No disasters, which sometimes happens.


Anonymous said...

So how does one sign up for these yummy lunches you make? If there is a list somewhere, PLEASE ADD ME TO IT!


Andrew said...

It is good! Had it today...mmmm mmmm! LOL!

Sharon said...

SO looking forward to your cooking. Can't wait to see you next week! Miss you!