Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Amsterdam

A new mid-season show is out on Fox, and we watched the first ep. "New Amsterdam" is intriguing so far, and I will watch at least a couple of more episodes. In fact some critics have said it gets better in the 2nd and 3rd eps. In short, it is about a police detective who has lived for several centuries, after his life was saved by a Native American around the time of the founding of New Amsterdam, later to become New York. He has had many identities and lived many lives picking up all kinds of information that helps him solve crimes.

The hitch. When his life was saved, he was told he would not age until he met "the one," the Indian priestess saying also that their souls would wed. He would know by a pain in his chest. And for the first time in all the centuries that has happened. So, while solving cases, he is also looking for a way to rejoin normal human society.

Acting is good, premise is really good, and details are great. One montage showing how New York has changed through the years, specifically at Times Square is really nicely done. The crime solving is interesting, with always the background story in play, running parallel.

I will continue watching at least two more times.

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