Thursday, May 22, 2008

Best Director-The Andrew Awards

The nominated movies are now on a slow pace coming out, but we saw the lat nominee for best director with Julian Schnabel and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. So without further ado...the Best Director category.

The nominees are taken from the Oscar nominees and are: Julian Schnabel for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Jason Reitman for Juno, Tony Gilroy for Michael Clayton, Joel and Ethan Coen for No Country for Old Men and Paul Thomas Anderson for There Will Be Blood.

Joel and Ethan Coen were the winners of the Oscar. But I did not like how they ended the movie at all. I thought it was as if they knew that the movie was running too long and suddenly decided, "Oh we need to wrap this puppy up." Very disappointing. Tony Gilroy---yeah right. I mean the movie was OK, but how it got soooo nominated I will never know. That leaves three.

So the winner for best director of the 2008 Andrew Awards is....(the crowd is hushed in anticipation) Julian Schanbel for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. (The crowd goes wild! The Coen look like they are about to cry. Paul Thomas Anderson spits).

Look, Juno was great, but did not seem to need that many strong directorial choices.

No Country was fine...but the actors really made that movie.

But in The Diving Bell...every choice was the directors...and every choice was made brilliantly and artistically. How to bring to life the story of a totally paralyzed, locked in man! And yet he did it with artistic integrity, with humor and with point of view. He made the man's one good eye into the camera lens. It was amazing.

All the other directors were fine, but Schnabel painted with a brush that was incomparable in this movie.

Anyone want to argue the choice, let me know?

The last few categories are: Best supporting actress, best foreign film and best animated feature.

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