Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Montreal, Continued

Our next day in Montreal was another walking day...quite a bit of extra walking due to my mistake.

We started out with breakfast at Chez Suzette, the crepe place. Split a savory and a sweet crepe. So good. Really, the best crepes we have had, bar none. And then we set off on the Metro to explore some further reaches.

Montreal has great public transit, and it is easy to use. Our plan was to go out to Little Italy and walk back. While in Little Italy, we would go to this great open air market, the Jean Talon market. Not only does it have great food items there, but there stores surrounding it have cheese, bread, meat and sweet specialty shops.

So we got on the Metro, got to our stop and started walking. I had our route set, and we walked one nice avenue and then headed south to head to Little Italy...ahem I mean, what I thought was south. It actually wasn't, it was north. Through some nice neighborhoods, but REALLY north. For about 2 hours. Once Sharlynn asked me if I was sure (and I had been) that we were going the right way, suddenly I was quite unsure, and stopped to ask. CRAP!!!!

So we headed the other way and then stopped at a bus stop. But a cab came by first, and discretion being the better part of valor...we went in the cab to Little Italy. But my mess ups did not stop there.

We were walking south again and got to Schwartz's deli. This place is really known for its smoked meat sandwiches, so we went there for lunch. Sharlynn was a bit skeptical, but we shared a sandwich that was just piled with smoked beef, and it was fantastic. Not at all salty, just really flavorful with a great mustard on it. They are also famous for their black cherry soda which was delicious.

So I ask about Little Italy and Jean Talon market as we leave. Turns out, it was the direction we just came from...OK, I am getting grumpy now, but Sharlynn says lets walk. About 20 minutes later we stop again and ask. The guy says, that is a looooong way away.

We caught another cab.

We get to the Jean Talon market finally, and it is really nice. So many fresh veggies and fruit. We stop by a cheese shop and get some great white cheddar and some mild Swiss. We go and get great fresh bread. We go another place and get unique Chardonnay and chestnut salamis. And some fresh berries and bananas.

We are bushed, and head to the Metro to head back. We will have a great feast for breakfast tomorrow with these items.

We clean up, and head out to our bar. We our sweet bartender friend again, and have few drinks, and then head to Le Bourlingueur, a French restaurant near the area.

Now this place was really good. We both had different lamb dishes and they were fantastic. It is small, and quiet, but just the thing after a long day of walking and getting lost.

Again tired but happy, we made our way back to the hotel for some wine and a good nights sleep.

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