Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Book- A Lost Lady

This short novel from Willa Cather makes me again realize why she is one of my favorite authors. Her writing is clear, lyrical and perfect. There is so much underlying the words, that you cannot help but feel the emotions.

A Lost Lady is mild, yet rich. It is about a couple, and older man and younger woman. He has been a captain of industry, with the railroads. They are rich, and are the biggest people in the town. The entertain out of town guests and hold lavish dinner parties and travel all around.

But the story is not about them, but about how they are perceived as they go through stages of their life. Like My Antonia, the narrator is an adult, who knew these people when he was young, and his impressions and how he records the impressions of others, is what makes this book vivid and alive.

One of Cather's small wondrous works.

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