Thursday, May 22, 2008

Movie-Live Free or Die Hard

Live Free or Die Hard is the latest in the Die Hard franchise. This could have been like the latest Rocky movie, and flick that few noticed and even fewer wanted to see. But instead, it took and older and even more cynical John McClane, and let him do what he does best, mainly, beat up on the bad guys.

The character Jon McClane never looks to get involved in these things, they just seem to find him. The latest is a home-grown cyber terrorist who uses the nations computers against its own health.

What I liked about this movie...there was little computer special effects and a lot of special effects the old fashioned chases, crashes, explosions and gun play/ It was an old-fashioned sort of movie. And I loved it.

Bruce Willis plays McClane as a "knows the world is messed up" veteran wise-ass. But when push comes to shove, he goes and gets 'em.

Justin Long plays his computer geek, reluctant side-kick,(nice casting) and does a really nice job,, both giving and taking straight lines with Willis.

The stunts were phenomenal, the action really fun. A great summer movie, without animation and over-reliance on computers. And the ending is about as un-computerized as you can get.

For a fun 2 hours, see this movie.

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