Monday, May 12, 2008


So, we left Chez Suzette and went back to the hotel to clean up, rest and decide how our night would go.

After I took a shower and power snooze and Sharlynn relaxed, we discussed our options, where to go for dinner etc. And we decided that this night was the night to check out the strip club scene! Good times! LOL!

I had done considerable research on the subject, and found there were two types of clubs, no contact and full contact. Well duh! Which would you go to? Really, why even have no contact? So we were off to Super Sexe, a highly rated club full of anticipation.

Super Sexe was super dull! About 5 girls in all, nothing going on. It was a snooze. I was beginning to think that maybe the scene was overrated. So we split there and headed up Rue Catherine to another place I had spotted on our walk earlier, The Downtown Club.

Wow, it was like night and day. This place had energy. Lots of hot scantily clad women, very friendly and welcoming. Good sound system. Friendly bartenders (also very cute women). Things were looking up. And as we sat down we looked up at the stage. This woman had the largest implants I have ever seen. I mean they looked like blimps on her chest...and not just any blimps, they looked like frickin' Hindenbergs up was soooo ridiculous. They must have been triple GGG. I almost burst out into laughter. Thankfully, the rest of the girls either had no implants or at least were VERY reasonable about the size.

The stage show is OK, but the real kicker is the full contact lap dances...And yes, it is pretty much self-explanatory. An almost naked woman does seductive lap dances and you are able to run your hands over 95% of her body, and she rubs on you too! We both went together with one dancer and got a few REALLY REALLY nice dances. Then we went with another dancer and got a few more. In between we were having more drinks and having a great time. And then Sharlynn got her Jack Nickelson eyes. You know, the ones that say she is over the edge and out of control.

Well, remember triple GGG? Sharlynn was amazed by these things and had to get a closer look (and feel). So she went to get some dances just for herself with this walking lower back problem. As she said, "It was like watching a train wreck...I just had to see what was happening."

She reports that the skin was so tight, even between the breasts, that it felt hard, and the flotation devices themselves were pretty cement like. She was astounded and just could not believe what she was seeing (and feeling).

Well, that last dance put us out of there. We had had some really good dances from very attractive women, an experience that is very Montreal. And Sharlynn did not get whiplash with the last one thank goodness.

There are quite a few of these clubs around this area, some better than others from what I hear, and quite interesting rules. Montreal is even giving consideration to legalising prostitution.

By that time it was late, and all the restaurants in our area were closed, so we had to order room service at 12:30 am. Ah well, it was worth it. A fun fun night.

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