Thursday, May 15, 2008

Montreal, Last Day and Poutine

It is our last full day in Montreal and I have not yet had poutine. This is a regional dish that I feel I have to try. It consists of french fries doused in gravy and topped with cheese curd. That is the purist version and the one I want to try. There are many adaptations of this, including using just cheese not cheese curd, and veggie versions, Italian versions, many different types...but I was going for the classic.

And the place to go from all accounts was a little diner called Patati Patata. This is a SMALL place near Little Italy, with most orders there done as take out. But we wee lucky enough to find two seats at the counter and I ordered classique poutine.

It was nice. Just a kind of comfort food. Sharlynn was not as impressed with it, but there is no accounting for taste. I will admit she was not feeling the best that day, so will give her the benefit of the doubt, given that she is still talking about Schwartz's smoked meat.

I will want to try variations on the it next time I am in the area. Other than that we hung around Vieux Montreal, going into galleries we had bypassed before. WE had a last dinner of those delicious crepes,and generally had a mellow day.

The next morning, we slept in, and then ate a breakfast at St. Paul's Cafe. And packed and went to airport. It was again a long travel day, but all went well, except at the very end. Trying to get our luggage there was an over 50 minute delay getting it to us. That sucked. The excuse? "We are understaffed." Ummm...did you not know this jet was coming in at this time...because I knew it months ago!

Otherwise, a really great trip. We would go back to Montreal...still so much we did not see...the Biodome, Olympic site, the islands and the casino...

We would recommend it to anyone. It is very European in attitude, and we were greeted in such a friendly manner. So much to see and do, and a lot of fun to be had.

While the dollar is still so bad against the almost everything else, it is about 1-to-1 in Canada.

One buy booze, even wine in for your hotel room, you have to go to store called SAQ's. There are a ton of them, one was two blocks from our hotel, but you have to plan ahead a bit.

What a great trip! One of our best ever

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