Friday, May 23, 2008

Movie-Open Water

Open Water freaked me out. Not even about the sharks as much as seeing the two main characters abandoned in the open ocean, knowing that they were forgotten.

This '04 movie did great in film festivals and easily returned it's layout. A small film really, despite the vastness of the open sea. It has two main characters floating in the water for most of the movie. It was filmed on DVCam, and so looks documentary like, and has a very real feel to it.

And though its genre is not horror, I felt more horror watching this movie than most movies in the horror genre. That terrible sick tickle in the pit of my stomach. The feeling that I had to turn it off for a few because it made me so tense and it was so upsetting.

Truly, what do you do if your dive boat leaves without you, stranding you out there? Just talking about it i feel itchy.

Really well done, but I will NOT be watching it again! That does not mean you should not watch it, but it was such a visceral experience for me, I prefer to pass on it a second time.

Good movie though!

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