Thursday, May 29, 2008

Movie-Fight Club

Yes, I had never seen this movie. I avoided it in 1999 because the premise just seemed to violent to me, to gratuitous. But Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors, so I am trying to see some of his older movies.

Edward Norton is great here, but the movie lived up to the impressions I had of it. I did not like this, it just seemed stupid, not only unlikely, but beyond even remotely possible. Fight Club was just violent, stupid and had little redeeming value.

The ending was clever, and I did not really see it coming. But otherwise I just wasn't that into it. Even having Helena Bonham Carter in it did not make it better. And I would enjoy almost anything with that hottie in it! LOL!

I know some find it brilliant film making. And film making is not to make you feel good, and is supposed to disturb you sometimes. But I can't even give it that. To disturb only for the sake of disturbing is almost the definition of gratuitous. And that is the only way to describe this. Gratuitous in every way--in the violence, in the showing off of cleverness by the writers, in the poppycock saying that pose as wisdom coming out of Brad Pitt's mouth.

And this film could not be made now, after 911. Just could not happen.

If you skipped it once because you thought it would not appeal to you, keep skipping it, you were probably right.

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