Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Movie-Code 46

Code 46 is a movie of a not-to-distant dystopian future. A future where sunlight can be deadly and in-vitro, cloning and other genetic manipulations cause a close governmental watch on genetic mingling. Basically, you have to get governmental genetic permission to "liaison" with another person.

I like dystopian tales. And this one is good, though far from great or classic. Starring Tim Robbins, it moves a little slowly and never quite gives us a glimpse of what this future is really like. There seems to be a world or corporate government, and people need permissions to do many things, including travel. there are also viruses in pill form that will make anyone sing in tune, or speak Mandarin fluently. But it never becomes cohesive.

Robbins is a quasi-government agent, and gets involved with a woman he should not be involved she is a genetic match to his mother, a violation of Code 46, hence the title.

There could have been a better cohesiveness to the whole created world. Instead we gets bits and pieces, and by the time we figure it out, I lost some interest in the story itself.

For those who like dystopian stories, this one will do. But others may just get bored or annoyed.

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