Sunday, May 18, 2008

TV-Two more finales

Two more season finales to blog about. The Office. Now I am not usually a fan of the one-hour Office episodes...sometimes, when they go over-the-top I can barely take a half hour. And they do the hour ones WAY too much. But this finale was very good. All the characters got to play their roles right. Some of the highlights were the return of Jan, the new HR person believing Kevin is "slow", the non Jim/Pam proposal, Michael going back to Jan after all, and Angela's "acceptance" of Andy's proposal. Also Ryan's arrest had me cheering! The weasel! Very funny episode that never took Michael and Dwight over the top. Looking forward to seeing new developments next season.

Without a Trace was good, and ties up the season nicely. This is still a really good show, but starting to lose something. Next season looks like there will be a shake up with Jack no longer being in charge. But make no mistake, he is still the emotional center of the show, and always will be. Good finale, no cliff-hangers, which again are sometimes over-used. And Poppy Montomery and Roselyn Sanchez are still HOT!

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